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Equipment Introduction

  • CONTROL PANEL : Comosition with N.F.B, Toggle Switch, Am․Vm meter, Buzzer, Lamps(Red, Green, Orange), High․Low Pressure Switch, Magnetic Contactor, Relays, Thermal Switch, Push Buttons, Power Input, these devices make the refrigeration system run by several electric circuit.

  • MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION : Composition with Compressor, Condenser(with fan motor),
    Receiver, Filter-dryer, Sight glass, Solenoid Valve, Manual expansion Valve (Manual type, Automatic type, and Capacity tube type), Evaporator(with fan motor), High․Low pressure gauge, these devices run as set up circuit in Control panel.

  • SOFTWARE P/G : KTE-DA100(Software) supply tools with that temperature, pressure, enthalpy, amount of the exchanged heat in each position can be measured in real time, and then saved by Microsoft excel, so that the saved data can be show and analysis  by graph.

Equipment Characteristics

  • ​Refrigerant parallel inflatable refrigeration experiment, it must be compatible with practice machinery (PLC, SQ), and manual operation, temperature control automatic operation, temperature and pressure control (pump down, pump out) automatic operation experiment practice

  • Sequence panel with automatic control device can be replaced as needed

  • Configuration of the desired driving circuit with a banana jack, operation experiments and practice are possible

  • Refrigerant parallel expansion type automatic control operation of pressure switch in case of abnormal operation, and safety operation circuit can be configured with emergency bell and lamp display

  • By composing a refrigerant parallel expansion type automatic control circuit, it is possible to measure and experiment with voltage, current, and resistance during operation.

  • Relay, MC, digital thermometer, temperature switch, pressure switch, parallel automatic control circuit for evaporation pressure is possible

Education Contents

  1.  Practicing to configurate circuit using contact point "c" of Ry device

  2.  Practicing to configurate circuit using contact point "c" of Ry "a","b" of magnet contactor(MC)

  3.  Practicing to configurate self-holding circuit for priority STOP of standard refrigeration system

  4.  Practicing to configurate circuit for low temperature control using a temperature switch

  5.  Configuration temperature manual control circuit for"refrigerant parallel expansion refrigeration system"and operation

  6.  Configuration compulsory pump down control circuit and operation

Mechanical Refrigeration Device Component

2000EV-Mechanical refrigeration.png

Control panel Device Component

2000EV-control panel.png

Dual Pressure Switch

2000EP-dual Pressure Switch.png
  • Dual Pressure Switch (DPS) consists of high low pressure switch and low pressure switch in a case. On contacts part like as bellows, lever and contact setting screw, these contacts is a fair of 2. High pressure control is return type HPS (high low pressure switch), this switch is used when abnormal raising of compressor outlet (ex. clogging of tube, freezing of expansion valve), and LPS (low pressure switch) is used when abnormal down of intaking pressure.

  • When all pressure of intake and emit are not normal, the system can not work. In other words, on piping and tubing part in refrigeration system this device is used in control of compressor working/stop. it is just for safety device.

Structure of DA100 Program

Application of Data Acquisition Equipment

◈Composition of main user interface 

2000EV-메인 화면.png

◈ Application Refrigeration Utility Program 

  1. Choose your respecting refrigeration system cycle on 'Select cycle type'

    • ① One stage cycle

    • ② Two stage cycle

  2. Evaporating Temperature (℃) or evaporating pressure (bar) on running.

  3. Condensing Temperature (℃) or condensing pressure (bar) on running.

  4. Superheat : Superheating temperature (˚K) from outlet of evaporator to inlet of compressor.

  5. Sub Cooling : Sub cooling temperature (˚K) from outlet of condenser (or saturating line on p-h chart) to in front of expansion valve.

  6. DP Evaporator : Temperature (or pressure) Difference between outlet of expansion valve and outlet of evaporator.

  7. DP Condenser : Temperature (or pressure) Difference between inlet of condenser and inlet of expansion valve.

  8. DP Suction line : Temperature (or pressure) Difference between outlet of evaporator and inlet of compressor.

  9. DP Liquid line : Temperature (or pressure) Difference at inlet of expansion valve after isolation expansion process.

  10. DP Discharge line : Temperature (or pressure) Difference between outlet of compressor and inlet of condenser.

Video Clips for Product Usage

Video Introduction to Refrigeration.png

Introduction to Refrigeration & HVAC System and Education Curriculum

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